Monday, June 15, 2015

12 Secrets to Beautiful Hands & long nails!

The beauty of our hands is very important, just as important as our face is. When we talk and communicate we often use our hands so people are bound to notice them, we might as well give our hands some TLC and make them look beautiful... (All natural)

I've been taking really good care of my hands and nails for the last few years and people regularly ask me how i grow my nails so long, and i usually don't know where to starts because it's like a subconscious routine i follow, and somehow just stuck to really. I believe anyone could have beautiful long nails if they tried "Properly".

Let's not forget that nails are a very important diagnostic part of our body that can show us how healthy a person is, and in fact show us certain diseases very clearly as well. (Excuse my scientific approach, I'm a dental student lol)

My 12 secrets:
  • Drink enough water. (So important)
  • Pay attention to your diet, make sure there's enough vitamins and minerals.
  • Never wash dishes or clothes without rubber gloves.
  • While cooking don't touch the spices directly or they will stain your nails & skin. (Like Turmeric, you really don't want yellow nails!)
  • Moisturize your hands at least twice a day. (even better if it's a hand & nail cream)
  • Give your nails an oil bath, really helpful for brittle nails.
  • When you break a nail, just go ahead and file the rest to the same length, No excuses.
  • Regularly file your nails, to stop micro scratches of getting bigger.
  • Don't buff your nails too often, that will make your nails thinner and weaker.
  • Always wear a base coat before the color polish.
  • Never ever bite your nails!
  • And of course use a hand scrub once a week (My natural hand scrub Here
I really hope you liked my random tips <3
Do you have a secret tip? i would love to know!

نصائحي لأظافر قوية و طويلة: 
• اكلك يكون صحي و غني بالفيتامينات.
• متغسلش في المطبخ بدون قلوفز.
• لما تتعاملي مع بهارات او اكل بيدك مباشرةً حيصبغ ظفرك فبرضو البسي قلوفز.
• رطبي ايديك عالاقل مرتين في اليوم.
• لازم تديري حمام زيت لاظافرك.
• لازم تديري سكراب لايديك و رجليك اسبوعياً.
• لما ينكسر ظفر لازم تساوي البقية بيه.
• لازم تبردي اظافرك بشكل شبه يومي عشان لو في بداية كسر يختفي.
• متكثرش تلميع و الا حيضعف الظفر.
• متكثرش مناكير لان الاسيتون مؤذي.
• استخدمي حجر الخفان على رجليك بلطف عند الاستحمام.
• طبعاً متقربش اظافرك بسنونك.
• ديري فازلين على رجليك قبل النوم.
شن رأيك في نصائحي الشخصية؟ 
و شن اضافتك؟ 

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